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Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV

Show your Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV customers in Google Maps


In this post we show you another little trick that will help you to know more about your customers and locate them more fast and easy. We are going to inform the longitude and latitude in the customer table of Microsoft Dynamics ™ NAV and we will use a new button to open Google Maps and place our clients. We hope you find it useful!

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Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV – Show Item Picture

Use Dynamics Nav like CRM!

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Use Dynamics Nav like CRM!

As wall know, Dynamics Nav is a powerful ERP but limited like CRM.

We encourage you to gradually transform Dynamics Nav to a small CRM, tailored to your needs!

Timplement this change, we have a powerful tool: SMTP Mail!

The Dynamics Nav codeunit number 400 , allows you to send automatic messages from the processes that could be interesting for you!
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