Magboxes Product Synchronization
Magboxes Product Synchronization is a new Magento extension (community edition) that will help you to manage your products easily and quickly.
One of the many advantages of Magboxes Product Synchronization is its great flexibility to synchronize products and all their related information from your system as well as to import thereof.
All these features are supported by a high processing speed (200 products / min approx.) and the possibility to schedule and review the process results.
How does it work?

Their Main Features
Menu on Magento Admin Panel
Magboxes Product Card Information & Translations Management Forms
MAGBOXES Product Management Form
- Possibility to add a new record manually.
- Option to force synchronize process cron.
- Several mass-actions.
- Export to CSV & XML file.
- Possibility to edit record and change information.
- Product Translation management by product.
MAGBOXES Product Translations Management Form
- Actions to add and modify translation information manually.
Magboxes Product & Translations Importation Management
MAGBOXES Product Import Form
- Fields to import are defined on configuration option.
- Possibility to download csv example file based in configuration fields selected.
- Possibility to edit imported record and change information before confirm importation.
- Imported record warnings control! Duplicate SKU, etc.
- Possibility to export CSV / XML file of imported data.
- Imported records are submited and processed by cron process (batch mode! NOT timeout problems!)
MAGBOXES Product Translations Import Form
Magboxes Product Synchronization - Powerful and Flexible Configuration
Magboxes Product Synchronization - Detailed Synchronization Log
Powerful & Flexible Configuration
Magboxes Extension License Information
Flexible Synchronization Cron Schedule
- Possibility to schedule cron execution:
- Day of week.
- Start time permitted.
- End time permitted.
- Number of minutes between executions.
- Next execution date & time (automatically calculated every execution).
- Last cron execution information:
- Last synchronization status.
- Last synchronization date & time.
- Last synchronization execution time.
Email Notification Settings & Type of Log with clearing period.
- Possibility to send a notification email after synchronization process.
- Option to check the email configured to send.
- Possibility of two types of log: Detailed or Summarized.
- Schedule number of days to clear log process automatically.
General and Default Product Synchronization Settings
- CSV File Definition:
- CSV field delimiter.
- CSV File folder location (possibility to create folder automatically).
- CSV File name.
- Two types of synchronization: All products imported or only modified products (checking of all fields synchronized!).
- Two types of products synchronized: Simple product & Grouped product (version 1.0.0).
- Custom product type mapping.
- Possibility to inform the default values for mandatory product fields if they are not synchronized (used when a new product is created!):
- Website by default.
- Attribute Set by default.
- Tax Class by default.
- Visibility by default.
- Category by default.
- Possibility to synchronize product translations.
- Possibility to synchronize NOT standard product fields (custom fields).
Standard and Custom Product Fields Settings
- Most important standard fields available to synchronize (other standard fields could be synchronized like custom fields):
- Status:
- Not synchronized
- Allways Enabled.
- Allways disabled.
- Custom Mapping Values.
- Product Name.
- Product Description.
- Product Short Description.
- Product Meta Title.
- Product Meta Description.
- Product Meta Keyword.
- Product Price.
- Product Quantity.
- Product Weight.
- Product Visibility (possibility of custom mapping).
- Product Tax Class (possibility of custom mapping).
- Product Attribute Set (possibility of custom mapping).
- Product Categories (possibility of custom mapping).
- Product Websites (possibility of custom mapping).
- Status:
- Custom fields synchronization. Possibility of synchronize up to 10 custom fields selected from product attributes.
- Available only user defined product attributes or all product attributes (standard product fields included!).
- Custom product visibility mapping.
- Custom product status mapping.
Related Products Synchronization
- Two possibilities to synchronize related products:
- Field included on product synchronize csv file (every product only could have one related product 1-1)
- Related product csv file synchronized (every product could have several products related 1-N)
- Related product order synchronized.
Associated Products Synchronization
- Two possibilities to synchronize associated products:
- Field included on product synchronize csv file (every product only could have one associated product 1-1)
- Associated product csv file synchronized (every product could have several products associated 1-N)
- Associated product quantity & sort order synchronized.
Product Translation Settings - Custom Languages & Mappings
- Custom language mapping.
- Custom translation mapping: website + store + view + custom language.
- CSV file used to synchronize translations.
- Several fields available to translate:
- Product Name.
- Product Description.
- Product Short Description.
- Product Meta Title.
- Product Meta Description.
- Product Meta Keyword.
Custom Attribute Groups Mapping
Custom Tax Class Mapping
Custom Product Price Groups Mapping
Custom Categories Tree Mapping - Single Category & Set of Categories
- Two types of custom mapping:
- Single category mapping (1 custom value – 1 category)
- Set category mapping (1 custom value – N categories)
Powerful Product Classification - Categories & Custom Fields Mapping
- Classification synchronization made by csv custom file.
- Two types of classification mappings:
- Category mapping.
- Product attribute field mapping.
- Possibility to define each kinds of types with custom values.
- Mapping from categories tree.
- Mapping from product attributes. Possibility to define mapping of each kinds of attributes: boolean, select, multiselect, text, etc.
Custom Websites Mapping - Single Website & Set of Websites
- Two types of custom mapping:
- Single website mapping (1 custom value – 1 website)
- Set of websites mapping (1 custom value – N websites)