EBOXES Factory, is working to offer web solutions focused on make easier the management tasks of any organization, regardless of their size. We offer modular applications that allow grow toward an integrated system, according to the customer’s requirements increases and new management modules are necessary.
The system used by EBOXES Factory, allow our customers to have a completely integrated solution, starting from very low unitary costs. The customer decides which functionality needs at each time.
We offer applicable solutions in the following organization areas:
The main goals of EBOXES Factory, are provide our customers, global & quality solutions (regardless of their size!), doing more easy the management of their business. Our customers are focused on their needs, not in if they may purchase it!
The EBOXES Factory solutions, allow work in local environments (intranet) or in web environments, accessible from anywhere.
We use the current programming standards (free code, without periodical license costs!)